Title – Hell, I don’t know

— If this yearning in my gut wont quit , I may have to write it out.

— Disgust is the foundation of every emotion. It’s there to provide humility.

— The stars beckon, but their grasp is slight.

— I’ve wanted to live those lives, but obligations are my burden, my shackles.

— Tomorrow will not come. Assume that and live a glorious today.

— Kindness costs nothing, yet gives everything.

— Seek.

Blue Across the Sea: new cover

Self publishing means I need to create my own covers. The first version of BATS was me drawing and hacking it up like a fifth-grader. Sorry job that.

This version, done by my friend and artist associate Yulian Mulyono (who did all the artwork for The Gribble’s Eye) is 1000x better. I loaded him up with the idea and reference images of a stormy sea and he made this. The guy’s a rock star.